vendredi 4 juillet 2008

The Pale Foutains - Tokyo 1985

Spécial pour malto_cortese
C'est rare et appréciable !!
Enjoy !!
01 Shelter
02 Palm of my hand
03 John Kline
04 Hey
05 Something on my mind
06 Jean's not happening
07 Faith
08 You'll start a war
09 Limit

thanks to Bubu !

5 commentaires:

Anonyme a dit…

j'ai deja (thanks to Bubu aussi..!!;-) mais merci pour le geste. take care. malto

Anonyme a dit…

un merci pour cette mise a dispo !!
We want MORE :)

Zer0_II a dit…

Hello again Geant. I wanted to invite you and your readers to my new social network that I have created. It's similar in appearance to myspace (minus all the hormone-crazed teenagers), but it is intended to serve as a hangout for artists, musicians, and music lovers. I have also included a forum category for music bloggers such as yourself to promote their blogs and share updates. If you are interested, here is the url:

I hope to see you there. Take care.


Anonyme a dit…

Hey-howto: Learn to Download In Servers: Rapidshare , 4 Shared , Easy Share , Megaupload...


lc a dit…

merci milles fois à laurent et à bubu.
contrairement à malto, moi, je ne l'avais pas ce bootleg, seulement les sorties officielles.
merci encore.


J'ai pris la décision de partager avec vous ma collection de concerts. Sachez l'apprécier à sa juste valeur.
Les mises à jour se feront au gré du vent et du temps. Passez me rendre visite de temps en temps

I have decided to share with you my bootlegs collection. Just appreciate it.
The updates won't be done on a regular basis. Just come and visit me.