mercredi 11 février 2009

New Model Army - Roly

A collection of demos (once more)

24 Hours (instrumental demo)
Roly (instrumental demo)
Crash (instrumental demo)
Whirlwind (instrumental demo)
Ballad of Bodmin Pill (instrumental demo)
225 (instrumental demo)
Archway Towers (instrumental demo)
Waiting (instrumental demo)
I wish (instrumental demo)
Tension (instrumental demo)
Coasters (instrumental demo)
Christian Militia (instrumental demo)
Lights go out (instrumental demo)

2 commentaires:

Anonyme a dit…

are you stealing my blog posts and posting them here?

Laurent a dit…

At least let me know you are... When I "borrow" links, the source is mentionned ! The NMA Bootlegs are mine.


J'ai pris la décision de partager avec vous ma collection de concerts. Sachez l'apprécier à sa juste valeur.
Les mises à jour se feront au gré du vent et du temps. Passez me rendre visite de temps en temps

I have decided to share with you my bootlegs collection. Just appreciate it.
The updates won't be done on a regular basis. Just come and visit me.