jeudi 29 janvier 2009

Paul Weller - Solo Akustik 07_04_2001 Berlin, SFB Send

1. Intro
2. Out Of The Sinking
3. Foot Of The Mountain
4. You Do Something To Me
5. Brand New Start
6. Clues
7. Country
8. Amongst Butterflies
9. Science
10. Back In The Fire
11. Sweet Pea
12. That's Entertainment
13. Down In The Seine
14. Wilds Wood
15. There's No Drinking After You're Dead
16. Everything Has A Price To Pay
17. Headstart For Happiness
18. Fly On The Wall

1 commentaire:

Anonyme a dit…

wow - thanks for these. Much appreciated


J'ai pris la décision de partager avec vous ma collection de concerts. Sachez l'apprécier à sa juste valeur.
Les mises à jour se feront au gré du vent et du temps. Passez me rendre visite de temps en temps

I have decided to share with you my bootlegs collection. Just appreciate it.
The updates won't be done on a regular basis. Just come and visit me.