jeudi 29 janvier 2009

The Waterboys - Glasgow Barrowlands 07/11/2001

CD 1:
let it happen
we will not be lovers
glastonbury song
good man gone
higher in time
the whole of the moon
has anybody here seen hank
is she conscious
dumbing down the world
the pan within

CD 2 :
too close to heaven
bring 'em all in
medicine bow
on my way to heaven
this is the sea / That was the sea

fisherman's blues (Bonus Track - Unknown source)

7 commentaires:

Anonyme a dit…

Thanks... great to see some waterboys stuff

Hooli a dit…

Many thanks for the Waterboys bootlegs.

Much appreciated.


Anonyme a dit…

Many thanks for waterboys + lloyd cole :-)

welshted a dit…

Thanks for all the Waterboys and Lloyd Cole stuff. Unfortunately, I can't download CD2 of this... although CD1 is certainly a bonus!
Many thanks

Laurent a dit…


I have checked the files. both links are working fine.

Anonyme a dit…

Thanks so much !


Psyclist a dit…

PW is NOT geantvener



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